Dramatically reduce gap days … without increasing provider burnout.

Why it matters

By reducing gap days, Stellus Rx is measurably – and in some cases, dramatically – improving outcomes and costs.

Performance impact of Stellus Adhere on a 12,000-patient cohort

PDC performance increased substantially among target populations of chronic condition patients.

Cost savings created by Stellus Adhere in a 12,000-patient cohort

On average, adherent patients in the population saved 32% in healthcare costs compared to their non-adherent counterparts when viewed by measure.

What it is

Proven adherence solution that combines data-driven workflows, individual clinical review and solutions-focused communication to help patients take medications as prescribed.

Why it works

  • Our personalized approach to barrier identification and removal builds trust with patients and informs behavioral change
  • Low lift required for physician community, allowing them to focus on their patients’ health

How It Works

Reduce total cost of care by delivering personalized pharmacy support that improves ease and outcomes throughout the health journey.

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